10 September 2010

Wrapped Up in Books

Yipes, it's hard to believe that I'm finishing up the third week of the semester. So far, so good. The teaching has been going well, I think/hope, and I'm feeling more confident each class. I'm no pro, but I have a really good group of kids who make me laugh and I enjoy the material. I just discovered that next semester I'll be teaching logic, which is a semi-radial departure from what I'm teaching now, but I think it will be a good challenge. Is it crazy that the first thing I thought was that my 10am assigned teaching time was too late in the day? Probably!

Maybe a quick re-cap of the end of summer and beginning of school is in order? It was hectic for sure. Let's see. We had a pizza party with some friends and I got to try out my new baking stone. I was impressed! I also had a major fail with photographing the lemon tart. I was trying to carry it into the dining room where the light is better, but the tart pan started to slide off the cooling rack and in trying to prevent the whole thing from crashing to the floor, I managed to shove my brand new camera into the middle of the tart. But! I saved them both.
Lemon Tart

Everyone loves pizza.

I had some misadventures with sourdough. The taste was quite good, but the execution was, well, bizarre.

I went to Omaha for a wedding.

I spent some time with Andrew and started teaching.

I went to St. Paul to see Ken off as he joins the Jesuit noviate. It was great fun to see him and my parents and to see where he's going to be for the next two years. I'm super proud of him.
Ken and I
Mom, Dad, Ken
First Years
Mom, Dad, Ken
Ken and I

Things I'm working on now? I'm applying to be in Freiburg again next year for research for my dissertation. The thought is exciting and makes me want to throw up. I feel way too young to be writing a dissertation. And part of me is super tired of leaving and starting over. But I love Freiburg and I'll be coming back to Atlanta and I don't even know yet if I'll be there, so there's no real point in getting worked up about it now. In the meantime I'm reading lots of stuff on play and space and my ideas are coming together, I think. I had some more baking misadventures this past weekend, so I want to work on becoming a better baker. Betsy and I have decided that the only possible future for us is to open a bakery, specifically a cupcake shop. It is quite possible that cupcakes will be passe by the time we get to it, but we will make good stuff no matter what. I still haven't touched the quilt top I made this summer, so it'd be a big improvement if I got around to that. I'm also trying (maybe not as intentionally as I should be) to be more charitable and less territorial. This has come up a lot the past few days and I'm quick to blame it on my being a middle child. And while I can't fix my birth order, I sure can fix my attitude. Or at least I can learn to hide my expressions better. I'm trying to push myself more in general, from wearing jewelry to participating in class. I think teaching has been pretty great for that. So, ta-da, it's a new year!

I saw the first red leaves of the season. Fall can't come soon enough.

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